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Bowser Big Boy - Ready for super-detail kit!
These pictures capture the beauty of the beast minus the
centepede tender which can be purchased from Rivarossi,
kitbashed or possibly at one of the Greenberg shows. With only one
DC Pitman Motor, two universal joints with metal worm gears, enclosed
in a solid metal body that separates at the front pair of drivers, the engine
provides a challenging model building experience. This experience may take up to
several weeks even months to complete this engine. Being all lead cast with many
lost wax castings, offer flexibility and creativity for personalized signatures
as well as imitating existing road names. No matter how you size it, the Big Boy is
one impressive heavy metal engine that dominates the roadbed. However, this is
in no way a kit for a beginner. One needs to have built several Bowser engines
before attempting this one.
Last modified: 08-04-2001